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Dovercourt Leisure Centre

The Dovercourt Swimming Pool upgrade was approved by full council THREE times, having originally been approved in the February 2009 budget. I have campaigned to have this upgrade carried out and have asked questions regarding it at Full Council and seconded a motion to have the money spent on the upgrade in February 2012. I frequently challenged the administration to make the gym accessible to disabled people by either adding a lift or moving the gym downstairs.

FOUR years after it was first approved by Full Council, the Conservative administration finally agreed to carry out the upgrade.

While very overdue, I welcomed the administrations change of heart to finally carry out the upgrade of Dovercourt Swimming Pool and in particular to moving the gym downstairs to make it accessible to the disabled. I raised concerns regarding the planned number of disabled parking spaces at the upgraded site and lobbied to have the proposed two disabled parking spaces at the site to be increased.

As a member of the planning committee, I moved an amendment to have the planning conditions changed to increase the number of disabled parking spaces at the site to FIVE from the original TWO, in order to reflect the increased accessibility to the gym at the centre.

I moved the motion to approve planning permission for the upgrade to the Dovercourt swimming pool upgrade including the increase to disabled parking spaces.

The upgraded Dovercourt swimming pool is now open.

Produced and promoted by Vikki Howard on behalf of Tom Howard
both at 3 Rectory Road, Little Oakley, Harwich , Essex. CO12 5JX © 2015